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CCHY VOLLEYBALL 0401 1996 I LOVE MY MAYI * MAYIs <3 * #2 SUWEI - PARTNER #3 VANESSA - LITTLE GAL #4 PEIRU - GUAI KIA #5 WENTING - RICH GAL #7 FIONA - CRAZY WOMAN #8 VIVIAN - DARLING #9 SIYING - SUPER THIN #10 PEIYI - AHEM PARTNER #11 XUANNI - CHIOBU #12 YANBIN - ROMEO * Links * GWPS Bball 1H'09 6B'09 Aaron Adrian Amy Andrew AndY Bernice Bjorn Celestine Chelsea ChuMei Cynthia Emily FangFang Ferlyn Fithri Gina Gladys GuTing Hilary Huiern Iman Isabel Jaspreet Jasreen Jean Jessica JiaLing JieYing JingHui Joan Joscelin Junese Isabel KahHui Karyn Leon LiLing LiWen Lydia Lynette Madeleine MeiMei Melanie MingYuan Mirian Nadia NiXuan PeiYee PeiYi Rebekah Sabrina Siew Ming Shannon SiYing ShiMin Sylvia Valerie Vanessa Vivian Wendy XinTing YuXuan YanBin YanRong YunQian Zhengmin ZhiYi ZiMan *TAG PLEASE* *DADADA* Archives March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 October 2010 January 2011 |
* Tuesday, May 26, 2009 * Lol... Cant post pics... Coz cable dunn0 go where... But dun want to use bluetooth... Haizz... And cheers to 1H TEAM 5!!! Won 2 awards!!! Cool rite? And the group members are none other than ZiMan, Karyn, HeiMern, NiXuan and ME!!! Went to collect class tee today... ZhiYi de is damn short... So funny to see him wearin tt... And my class tee is bright ORANGE!!! L0ve tt sia... And when karyn they all walkin near to us, Can see very clearly... So wont lose each other... And then we split to 2 grps... ZiMan, Adrian, ZhiYi and me go first the Karyn, MeiMei, NiXuan and JiaLing go other way... On the way there is like damn fun... Played Truth or Dare... So funny loh... Adrian, ZhiYi and ZiMan no join us... Still say we childish... >~< Bad Bad Bad!!! Lol... Then for IPW, Me, ZiMan, YanKun drive Rachel Mad till our grp leader is ZiMan... Was like singin there loh... Very fun and funny... Then durin recess, NiXuan go staff room to take back her stuff... Then me to take money... Then was sittin outside countin the money... Then got the 1e form t.cher Walk past us and say 'Woah... So many money... Later go shoppin' Me and NiXuan is like... Then got a bloody t.cher come out and ask Us help her pass the papers to 5b... Is like walao... So no time for recess loh... >.< Then want buy drinks also cannot... Need to tell the prefect the story... Bleah... Needa go tuition le... Bye... * Friday, May 22, 2009 * I really love MeiMei... How I wish tt u can stay wif us... Can u dun go? U alredy spend 5 mths wif me... Pls dun go... Such a nice fren is hard to find... How can I make up wif wat u help me? You are kind, good, chio, nice, lovin, cute, nice fren... I really wish u can stay... The party is awesome... Only wif u around wif me... I am emo-in now... Coz I dun wan u to go... Pls... Can dun leave??? Lol... Can sense tt I am emo-in??? -.- Aiyo... Tomorow then post pic... Too lazy le... And quiz from JieYing... 1. Besides your lips, where is your favourite place to get kissed? Cheeks lah... -.- 2. How do you feel when you woke up this morning? Oh god... Can a taxi come??? 3. Who was the last person you took picture with? Er... My 5 genaration family... XD 4. Would you considered to be spoiled? No... How can a guai kia like me be spoilt? 5. Would you ever donate blood? Is it painful??? :0 6. Do you have a good friend of a opposite sex? Er... Of coz lah! 7. Do you want someone dead? No lah... As I say again... Such a guai kia like me woh... 8. What does your last text message says? Online? 9. What are you thinking of right now? How to do this bloody quiz... 10. Do you wish someone was with you now? Erm... Yeap... >.< 11. When did you go to sleep last night? I forgot liao... 12. Where did you buy your t-shirt that you are wearing now? Er... I dunno... 13. Is someone in your mind right now? Yeap... ;) 14. Who was the last person who texted you? Adrian? 15. People tagged to do this quiz? 1) Andrew 2)Adrian 3) YanBin 4) Jasreen 5) Jean 6) Karyn 7) LiWen 8) NiXuan 9) MeiMei 10) ZhiYi 16. Who is number 2 having a relationship with? (Adrian) I am seriously not sure... x.x 17. Is number 3 a female/male? (YanBin) Gal Gal!! My CAPTAIN! 18. If number 7 and 10 gets together, will it be a good thing? (ZhiYi & LiWen) I am not sure... I thought ZhiYi likes...? 19. What is number 1 study about? (Andrew) I am not sure... Should be bout how to no me more bah... >.< 20. Is number 4 single? (Jasreen) No of coz! I her laogong! 21. Say something about number 5. (Jean) My chiobu!!! 22. What do you think of number 3 and 6 together? (YanBin & Karyn) Omg... If they want... 23. Describe number 9. (MeiMei) Look at my above post bah... 24. What would you do if number 6 and 7 fight? (Karyn & LiWen) Stand aside and do nothing... Not gonna call police! 25. Do you like number 8? (NiXuan) OF COZ! MY AH AH AH AH AH MA LEH!!! XD Finally finish... * Saturday, May 16, 2009 * Yo... Postin now... No pics again... This time is lazy.. +_+ Tink I will fail geo, lit and EVERYTHING!!! Coz too difficult... And buddha dun wanna let me hug his leg... T.T Friday, very nice... Was a vampiress... Ppl... I tt day anyhow eat medicine... So become like tt... LoL LoL LoL... Now find tt things write 3 times Very Very Very Nice Nice Nice !!! =_= =_= =_= Lol... Lol... Lol... And JieYing is very cold... I LOVE ANDREW FROM 2F SIA!!!!!!! * Thursday, May 7, 2009 * JieYing... The only boi... Yvan As JieYing say... Finally smilin... Forget rotate... My Captain... Hardworkin rite? Monday The self trainin cancel... Coz of the pig (swine) FLU... And exams... So we go de 7 11 buy instant noodles The PeiYee like first time eat there loh... Kiasu... JkJk... Saw Mr Kenneth Ng there somemore... Sad lah Tuesday After school... Saw ShuoXian outside... Walkin to buy BBT Then he treat me to BBT Shiok sia... Thanks woh... I will pull my socks higher de... Wednesday Was sent out of classroom durin maths Wif PogSiew and NiXuan Coz nvr do homework... Then was copyin and chattin outside... Quite fun... Then PogSiew tried goin into classroom twice But t.cher ignore him... So he just stay and chat wif us... Then NiXuan took out her hp... Then PogSiew help take... Fun lah... Then after tt got tuition... Thursday Went to NP wif Yvan, NiXuan, JiaLing, Eunice, Ivory and JieYing... Go library 'revise' Got 2 warnin... Then we just go out loh... Best is when JieYing leadin us go library tt time, Everybody thought she bring us go lift... In the end is go toilet... =_= Then she treat us BBT!!! So nice... Thanks sia!!! Second time in the week woh... Ok... Talk my test... Quite ok loh... We finish 30 mins earlier than HMT de... I thought is same time sia... Then Want sleep... But de t.cher talk to 1 ppl Like talk to whole class... So loud... Almost fall asleep but de t.cher started Collectin paper... =.= Haizz Tt is bout all bah... * Saturday, May 2, 2009 * Hi ppl... Here to post... Was prankin ppl just now... Wif JieYing... Lowis, Valerie and Adrian was target.. Quite fun woh... Cant post pic coz in cousin hse No usb... Er... Exams??? BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chinese is atrocious!!!! Need to write 500 words! So I just anyhow chiong dao 500 then stop... English? Still ok... Now very sian... And And And... I gonna die soon Lookin for a nice spot to dig And put my head INSIDE! Oh man... Gonna die liao... Haizz... No need to miss me de ~Jkjk~ Lol... |
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